
A woman standing with her arm around a man's shoulders, both standing in front of the lake, wearing LWF T-shirts and smiling.

When citizens work together, we have great power.

We’re proud to be part of a community of lake-lovers, connected by our shared vision for a clean, healthy Lake Winnipeg and watershed, now and for future generations.

As our membership increases, so too does our ability to effectively advocate for evidence-based policies to protect our shared waters.

Together, we are taking action to protect our lake.

"Lake Winnipeg is a very special place for us and for many other families. We’re concerned by the changes over the years that jeopardize the health of the lake. We are LWF supporters because we have faith in the future and we want to be part of the solution. "
~ Janet Sampson, LWF member
"LWF’s thriving community of staff, volunteers and donors are a very enthusiastic and hard-working lot. We know that we can make progress on improving the health of the lake – and we’re working hard to make it happen "
~ Florence Eastwood, LWF member
"LWF has a beautiful community of lake lovers who are as passionate about caring for Lake Winnipeg as I am! "
~ Andrea Wiebe, LWF member
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more information for members

2023-2027 strategic plan

> learn more

Closeup of a sandy beach

annual reports & financial statements

> read our reports

A girl and boy submerged in a lake up to their chins, smiling

renew your membership

> make a gift today

Your support drives our collective efforts

Our members are our greatest strength.

When you become a member, you are supporting evidence-based advocacy and coordinated, on-the-ground action to improve the health of Lake Winnipeg.

All donations of $50 or more include a one-year LWF membership. Members receive LWF’s newsletter twice a year and have the right to vote at our annual general meetings, held each spring.

Join our community of lake lovers and add your voice to our collective call for change.

> donate today